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ineedahobby | 17:08 Mon 19th Sep 2005 | Music
4 Answers
In the song Thank you very much do they say thank you very much for the Aintree Iron?  if so what is an Aintree iron?   
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How interesting, thanks for taking the trouble to look that up for me xxxxx

Or indeed thank you very much, thank you very very very much!!!

I lived in Aintree in liverpool when the song was released. There was a lot of speculation at the time about the 'aintree iron', and I don't think the tree was ever mentioned. Most people thought it meant the black bull area (mentioned in the article in the weblink)  which is indeed an iron shaped group of buildings (black bull is a pub). I think in the end the conclusion was that the lyric was a bit of nonsense, as no local people had ever heard the phrase before the song was released.
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Thanks spinchimp x

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