Welcome to AnswerBank PrincessAnswer. hope you enjoy it.
If you click on people's avatars (or jelly people) you will see if they ask or answer.
Me? Questions = 0 Answers = a few
Cb would have been a good category, just for conversation sake, I like to answer, I've nothing to ask, I'm a knowitall (I'm not really) I don't ask questions as I couldn't be sitting here all day nursing the thread
I prefer to answer. I have never had the knack of asking something and getting loads of answers, some people ask the most vacuous stuff and get a huge response (in CB), my questions are usually things I want to know and get the right answer really quickly.
My profile shows that I've asked 185 questions (but most of those posts were actually just starting 'chat' threads, rather than genuine questions). On the other hand I've posted nearly 55,000 answers (with the vast majority of those posts being actual answers to serious questions).
So which do you think I prefer doing? ;-)
(Internet research is my hobby and this is a great place to do it!)
I only ask a question if I really need to know the answer. I don't start anything on CB.
Sometimes I might join in the chat.
Mostly, I'm a lurker.
That sounds horrible now, but used to be a common term about 20 years ago.
I think most people on this site like that -talbot-, make a comment on cb and someone questions your comment, so much for chat, everything is up for debate