Anyone Know Of Any Online Greeting Card Companies Which Allow Use Of Diacritics? in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Anyone Know Of Any Online Greeting Card Companies Which Allow Use Of Diacritics?

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Oiverbotel | 13:09 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Hey Friends!

Might anyone know of an online greeting card company which permits the use of diacritics (i.e. á, é, í, ó, ú, umlauts, and other Cyrillic characters), when writing text?

I've struggled for a long time trying to send grammatically correct cards to some of my friends who live outside of the UK. I've used Moonpig - both the UK and Australian sites as an option, and I've used Funky Pigeon, who in the past did allow it, but removed the feature about two years ago. I've also recently used Shutterfly in the states - all with no success. Surely there must be one which allows use of what I 'think' is called UTF-8 characters?

I'd be most grateful if anyone could guide me, thanks. Obviously, I could try signing up for a plethora of local card suppliers based on country, but it's a real pain in the bum.

Many thanks!

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I use jackielawson.com but not sure if they have diacritics
Also try bluemountain.com again no guarantee
^^^ Jacquie Lawson only allows you to send eCards, not printed ones.

Blue Mountain is primarily an eCard service but does offer a range of cards that you design online and then print out at home (rather than them sending the cards to your recipients directly). It's unclear as to whether their system recognises 'foreign' characters but, since you're printing at home (and can thus see the results) it might be worth giving it a try.

Otherwise I think that you might be out of luck. All I can suggest (as I did when you posted an identical question four years ago) is that you use a DTP program to design your own cards, printing the front and back onto a sheet of A4 photo card and printing the inside page(s) onto A5 stickers. That's how I design my own greetings cards.
Hi Ollie
da Oirish have a plethora of silent letters and accents
so try one of them
this is one

otherwise - - trying to get something like Romanian correct [they have special letters for all the russian ones - even they may not be needed] i'd rather go and drink pink gin ....
arabic dont even try

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Anyone Know Of Any Online Greeting Card Companies Which Allow Use Of Diacritics?

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