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Come Through An Operation

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smeydiss | 20:24 Thu 22nd Oct 2020 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
We thought he wasn't going to come through it.

Does it mean «We thought he will not remain alive»?


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20:37 Thu 22nd Oct 2020
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
In this sense to come through means to survive.
Thus the statement sometimes given by doctors. "He was at death's door, but we pulled him through."
yes 'come through' here has the meaning of survive
come out means wake up

phrasal verbs in English - very common and very difficult for the learner
this also means that in simple English - you cannot do a word-for-word translation
but that the words either side ( context ) are important for meaning

( same in Mandarin apparently)

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Come Through An Operation

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