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Is There A Difference Between The Meanings Of Slim And Slender?

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Evan2020 | 00:33 Thu 23rd Sep 2021 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Both terms mean thin in an attractive way, but just wondering if they at all have mildly different connotations.


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Can someone please answer this? Sorry I wrote it again without thinking of the option to write in the original.
Most people wouldn't se a difference
Can I ask why your asking. Are you writing a book ?
There are nuances involved in all these words, variants - the 'mild connotations' are not something that would be strictly adhered to, as people's interpretations vary.
Question Author
I just have a very curious mind that likes to analyze things and I love the rapper Eminem and his alter ego Slim Shady so I find it entertaining to analyze the words Slim and Shady and other words that are similar and I specifically made my own alter ego Slender Shifty in honor of Slim Shady since I happen to be skinny too and have a mischievous side as Slim Shady himself said in “The Real Slim Shady”, “There is a Slim Shady in all of us!”

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