hi All. Happy New Year. My best friend is pregnant can anyone tell me the phrase which goes like this - Monday's child is full of grace etc. As I keep getting getting different answers Thank you
Mondays child is fair of face
Tuesdays child is full of grace
Wednesdays child is full of woe
Thursdays child has far to go
Fridays child works hard for a living
Saturdays child is loving and giving
but the child that is born on the Sabbath is bonny and blithe and good and gay.
Monday's child is red and spotty,
Tuesdays child won't use the potty;
Wednesday's child won't go to bed,
Thursday's child will not be fed;
Friday's child breakes all his toys
Saturday's child makes an aweful noise;
And the child that is born on the seventh day
is a pain in the neck like the rest, OK?
or yet again :-
Monday's child is unemployed,
Tuesday's child is stdying Freud;
Wednesday's child has got the sack
Thursday's child had a child by Jack;
Friday's child is a lost little soul,
And they won't pay Saturday's child the dole;
While the child that is born on the Sabbeth Day
Is probably straight , but possibly gay.