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What is the correct phrase?

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dchianel | 21:04 Tue 10th Jan 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
Is the correct phrase, he did a 360, or is it he did a 180?


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It's he did a 180. To do a 180 is to do an about face on an opinion or a course of action. Tha number 180 refers to the "180" degree point of a circle, or the point opposite of the "0" degree point of the same circle. White is to black or sweet is to sour, ect....
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Both are used.

Doing a 180 suggests turning around and going the other way, usually in the sense of a car making a u-turn, but also by association it can mean changing one's plans.

Doing a 360 refers to something that race car drivers sometimes do as part of an accident and stunt drivers routinely do intentionally, spinning a car completely around at high speed without decreasing forward momentum.

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