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vinrex7 | 18:25 Fri 26th May 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
where does the "icide" come from in homicide and regicide and genicide? any one know


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Actually it is "cide" that is the clue. Cide is latin for killing. Therefore homicide is the killing of humans, Matricide the killing of mothers and so on


occido = I kill; occidere = to kill

I suppose that, if you could use a dictionary, vinrex7, you would know how to spell genocide, and you would also find the origin of the word, if you use a decent etymological dictionary. Bernardo is incorrect (according to my Chambers). The derivation is not from occidere, but from caedere, though the two words are closely related.

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Thanks bert. i did use a dictionary to look up the word bert. all it had was a picture of a c--t. cheers

A well known reporter has the name Kim Katricide (I presume that's how it's spelt). It would be interesting to know where that moniker came from - killer of cats perhaps?

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