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Boo2 | 21:52 Sun 13th Aug 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
7 Answers
How would you say 'You are my world' in Latin? Many thanks.


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Try Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo...
Or better yet Vos es meus universitas...
Orbis terrarum meus es.
So, Q, how did the one day gastronomical adventure in France go?
Wonderfully well, C...Mission accomplished! Indeed, I shall be going again on Aug 30th and Sep 12th with precisely the same objective in mind.
(Sorry, Boo2, for hijacking your thread.)
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Thanks for the answers, i've got to decide which to use now!
Well, I have to tell you that C's first suggestion is cod-Latin for "Don't call me, I'll call you", so it was offered as a joke presumably. His second uses the word 'vos' which - in Latin terms - is rather like the French 'vous' it would be unlikely to be used for such a statement of devotion as you are asking about. The French would surely use 'tu' in such circumstances.
Don't get the idea that I'm saying only my answer will do, by the way! Far from it. All I can claim for it is that it does literally translate your phrase but it's probably unlikely that Virgil, Cicero or any other great Roman writer would have chosen these exact words. So, have a care.
But Q, I was expecting an outraged note from Boo2 saying that his/her beau had translated the first offering... I couldn't be cold hearted enough not to offer a follow up... just in case... nice catch!

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