Pedant that I am mountaiboo, I have to confirm that it was 'his' liver.
My fave quote comes from the film Angel Heart in which Robert De Nero, playing Lucifer in human form advises that ".... there is just enough religion in the world to make men hate each other, but not quite enough to make men love each other ..." which kinda sums it up really.
I also like a description to deride the notion of embelishing something or someone - "You can call an ass a horse, but it doesn't shorten its ears."
horace w, no actually not a black sabbath fan but it is the only quote I remember from O level English Lit and even at the time I thought it could be applied to life!!!
My favourite is from Dorothy Parker (wit, writer etc). She'd just gotten married and was away on honeymoon. Her editor was chasing her for a piece for a magazine, and obviously she had other fish to fry. So she sent him a post card saying....
Mrs. White: "Yes, I did it. I killed Yvette. I hated her so... much... it... it... the... it... the... fee... flames... flames... on the side of my face... heaving... breathless... heaving breaths... "
There's 2 good one's I think that arn't usually mentioned in the usual lists of powerful texts, but I feel are poingiant in the films. In Educating Rita "There must be better songs to sing than this" and in Parenthood when Steve Martin sums up "All my life is have to". Maybe I was feeling overwhelmed by juggling life at the time I watched these! But they still stick with me as the central lines in the films.