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Yes, I am very busy, but I still check out my emails!
I have finally made up my decision and I have called my new venture SORTED! It is short and sweet and it is an expression that is always used in Northern Ireland. I already had the business cards printed last week as well as flyers for the launch, which will be on NOVEMBER 9.
The kind of scheduled activities that SORTED! will have are: archery and cooking classes, wine and whiskey tasting, hiking and sailing trips, weekends away, etc.
As for the punctual ones (private - individual and corporate), it could range from proofreading and writing a complaint letter to helping you move house, planning a party for you or hiring a helicopter.
If anyone of you is in Northern Ireland and would like to join in on the activities of SORTED! and come to the launch, let me know, and I will give you all the details.
Thank you for all you help.