Couldn't find an official word, although I did find 'list-o-phile'. As I would assume this would be either greek or psuedo-greek, try - listaphile, katalogophile (which I think is quite cool actually) or katalogomania for a compulsion.
If you have more than a passing interest in this kind of thing, I suggest buying The Deeper Meaning Of Liff by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. If you do decide to buy this (and not simply read it for free from a web page) and you are getting it from Amazon, it will probably suggest that you also purchase The Meaning Of Liff. Do not buy this - it is just a previous edition that contains less words!
hehe, i was wondering what relavancy this had to my question, but this book looks good pretty funny. i may have to buy it. still i think there's a word out there for those who make lists compulsively.