Jokes? in The AnswerBank: Phrases & Sayings
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kgt | 16:39 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
10 Answers
What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?

U2 are playing a gig in Glasgow, Bono asks the crowd for a bit of quiet and starts to clap his hands every 5 seconds. He says "Everytime I clap my hands a child in Africa dies". Suddenly a voice from the crowd shouts "Well stop f*cking doing it then!"
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If you think thats a joke you are sick
I went to a seafood disco last night......

I pulled a mussell
Ignore Oddjobber kgt i thought it was very funny :-)
Yes, it is very very funny - particularly as Bono is just so ******* pious.
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I thought it was hilarious Oddjober ! Bono goes on about giving money to all these charities but has just blown �8Million on a yacht! Reckon that could have saved some liifes somewhere in the world!
Great joke, Bono's a publicity seeking prat.
Abso-bloody-lutely brilliant!!
love it.
Oddjober (jobber?) build a bridge and get over yourself!
thats not a joke, this is a joke..
a bloke goes into a pub and orders a pint of beer, not long after a voice says "your a nob ", the bloke turns around and cant see anyone, taking another sip of his pint he hears the same reply, but only more rude, so he gets up and moves over to a table in the corner. not long after he sat down he hears another voice, only saying how great he is and he looks fantastic, and the only thing on the table is a bowl of nuts, well not understanding whats going on he asks the barman to explain, "well sir, you were sat next to the fruit machine which is out of order but the nuts are complimentary...."
bloke goes to doctors,and says ,,,,everytime i wake up in the morning i cant stop singing green green grass of home,,,,,is that weird,the doc says ,,,,,,its not unusal

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