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Beyond the Veil

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Andromeda | 15:41 Thu 17th Jul 2003 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
Does anyone know where this phrase comes from? I am presuming it is probably a book, but am unsure.




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In biblical times, the inner sanctuary or 'Holy of Holies' was separated from the body of the temple by a veil or screen. Only once per year was even the High Priest himself allowed to enter 'beyond the veil'. The phrase is nowadays often used to suggest the same the entering of a secret - almost sacred - place.
It is a book by Fatima Mernissi. Synopsis Sexual inequality is a prominent feature of both Western and Islamic societies, but underlying concepts of female sexuality in Christian and Muslim traditions are very different, and the pattern of heterosexual relation in Muslim societies is probably unique. Fatima Mernissi argues that the Islamic view of women as active sexual beings resulted in stricter regulation and control of women's sexuality, which Muslim theorists classically regarded as a threat to civilized society. The requisites of modernization, however, are incompatible with traditional Muslim structures, and the ensuing contradictions now pervade nearly all Muslim countries. Drawing on popular source materials, Mernissi explores the disorienting effects of modern life on male-female relations, looks at the male-female unit as a basic element of the structure of the Muslim system and shows us the sexual dynamics of the Muslim world.
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Neither answer gives the origin for the definition I have seen. Which is weird as I didn't realise either of these definitions existed. I would have specified what the definition was otherwise. Anyhows, to go "Beyond the Veil" is to pass over into, well whatever you think is there when we die. I wondered whether it was a biblical reference, or had something to do with Greek / Egyptian myths. Thanks.


Andy, The post-death definition of 'beyond the veil' is not the but only one of many possible definitions. It could as easily be a suitable title for a piece of writing analysing life in a convent, where actual veils are as significant for concealment as they are in Muslim societies. But also - as I suggested in my earlier answer by saying "the entering of a secret place" - it might refer to the experience of madness, say, or any other 'hidden' thing or condition, where the word "veil" is used metaphorically rather than literally. Even in literal terms, however, there seems little doubt that the concept of a veil hiding something profoundly mysterious is biblical in origin.
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QM, when you put it like that it makes a lot more sense. I was wondering if there were any myths about going physically 'beyond the veil' (in the death sense) as opposed to spiritually. I think I better get reading. Thanks.


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