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Cryptic Meanings - for Duda7

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Gef | 21:40 Thu 25th Sep 2003 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers
Sorry, not a question but a statement. Many of us like solving the type of puzzle which you have posted. However, by posting so many separate questions, you have relegated other valuable questions from the bottom of the list. If you must ask for help with your 'office quiz' then please collate them as one question. No offence intended to any Answerbankers who have answered individual questions.


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Also and no offence again, is this fair? research is one thing, but just putting a whole bunch (?all) of the questions here, does seem to negate a bit the spirit of the quiz. As has been asked elsewhere, are you willing to share the prize??
Hmmm I see Duda's questions have gone, looks like the Ed had a view on this as well

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Cryptic Meanings - for Duda7

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