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ladorada | 01:13 Fri 23rd Mar 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
what is the noise a quail does? In my language is pitpalac.


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'Chicago'. listen here. (Realplayer).
I don't think there's a standard word in English as qail aren't that common. Chickens, crows, owls etc are more common and there are standardised ways of writing their calls, though you are equally free to make up your own words.

Pitpalac, that sounds nice.
The more common term I hear is prepelita, the pitpalac is the poetic version.

In English, the RSPB call it 'quick-wi-wick'
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Thank you, heathfield! I love birds' chirping

I like quick-wi-wick...

Octavius, prepelita is the bird. pitpalac is the sound it makes in my language.

Thank you all !

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