I suspect that mild phobias are called intolerance. or bigotry. Ewood, scuba- it isnt unnatural. there are a number of species (chimps, pigs sheep, ducks and swans. even lions) that have shown gay behaviour, even when mating females are present. ducks also have rape, and penguins have prostitution. So given the number of species doing it it cannot be unnatural as how can a natural species perform in an unnatural way unless trained to do so? (which they werent).
Next we have the moral issue: is homosexual behaviour moral? The basic test, i think, is does it do harm? the answer to this is a big no. Homosexual couples are just likje their hetero counterparts: they love, argue, support each other, infuriate each other, puzzle each other and edelight each other in the same way. ( i will say nothing about bachelor gayor hetero behaviour, but i think it is still a parallel).