yeah the Arabic is something like:
Malika Farida kanet jamila *******
all the a's are because it is a female sentence
there may be a tay marbuta hiding in jamila
Kanet is good - kan is he was and kanet she was
yes observers, the arabic verb identifies gender
The verb system is kan
in Arabic - kan wa uktiha - Kan and her sisters - the sisters are other verbs conjugated like kan
Anyone remember the Sisterhood of Kan as a group of telepaths in Dr Who? I freaked out when I saw it is an arabic textbook ten years later
Oh, Dalek could be split as Dha aleek (that to you) and is apparently Lebanese idiom for mind your own business
Bint, not really a work tgo be used with Malika
Shufti I have often lain in bed wonderinng about
Shuftoo is I have seen,and the final vowel is usually suppressed in oral Arabic
Hal shuft al bint - Didja see the gurl ?
-y is a strongly bound morpheme which converts a noun into an adjective
but shouldnt be tacked onto the end of shuft
as far as I can see (see, shuft haha geddit ?)
PP - now you see why I am called Pedant
Oh and I am an engineer and my car back fires alot-not a very good engineer obviously - and I know some arabic. Does that mean that CIA/MI5 are gonna crash through my door as I write this....?