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Playground jibes!!

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spiff | 16:08 Tue 20th Apr 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
8 Answers
In no way am I having a pop at anyone who is gay, but can anyone remember certain jibes that were said at primary school? such as..... Q: 'bummers are deaf' (said VERY quickly and under your breath) Person then says..'WHAT?' Reply 'Bummers are deaf' (again quickly and under your breath) Person..'WHAT!!!!'?' You..'AH-HA!! BUMMERS ARE DEAF!!!' Also... 'Do you enjoy happiness?' 'Yes' 'do you really enjoy happiness?' 'yeah! i've just told you!' 'HEY!! EVERYONE!! HE JUST SAID HE ENJOYS HAPPINESS!! HE ENJOYS 'A PENIS'!!! I know it's childish,but such was the 1970's in the north of England.


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Well there was the classic:

You: Did you watch Spasticsayno last night?

Them: No.

You: HAHAHA... you're a spastic.

Then there was a stupid one in my school:

You: Are you a PLP?

Them: Erm... yes?

You: HAHA you're a Public Leaning Post!

And then you lean on them. Until they inevitably hit you. To be honest I still don't get the point of that one.

Then there was the genious PEN 15 Club:

You: Do you want to be in the Pen 15 Club? All the cool kids are doing it.

Them: Oh, yes please.

You: OK we need to put the special club mark on your forehead...

... at which point you get out a fat permanent marker and scrawl PEN15 on them...
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You - are you a left tit?
Them - No
You - then you must be a right tit.
seemed amusing at the time I remember...
did you see that film last night gaylords say no ? no that means your a gaylord !
And on the subject of PLPs, if the answer was 'No' ... Ah-ha, so you're not a Proper Living Person then!
'Gays say what' spoken very quickly so it sounded like guess what. hahaha hilarious.
'Are you a poof tied up?' (The answer would invariably be 'No'). 'Help, there's a poof on the loose!'

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Playground jibes!!

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