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Dave Potts | 13:58 Mon 19th Jul 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Anyone out there know the origin of the phrase "as right as rain"? It's always puzzled me since midday today ....


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Well I've just googled this and it doesn't seem like there is a definitive answer as to why "rain". IT may be a play on words, or that rain has become adopted as people used to say right as a line (as in straight) but not sure. Come on quizmonster impress us!
Oh, meant to put this in as well, can't do links yet, have only just mastered bold!
*Peers into the room, looks around for signs of a Quizmonster, creeps in, slams the link down on the table and runs off*

Click here.
I've just done it again! When I see a duplicated question, it always seems natural to me to open the top one first, that clearly being the most 'recent'. I just did that with this question as duplicated above and provided an answer. Then what happens when I open No. 2? I see that Becks has answered it already! What can I say? You've already impressed us, Ma'am. And you can do links! Same one from Indie, too. My apologies for the double-duplication, Dave.

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