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the meaning of" "Hearts and Minds"

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eah | 21:26 Wed 06th Feb 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Does anyone know the meaning of the phrase "hearts and minds"?

I have tried Google but no real help just references to books etc where it has been used,

Thank you....


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A US military phrase dating from the Vietnam war - the Pentagon planned to win the 'hearts and minds' of the Vietnamese (or, as one general observed, 'When you've got them by the balls, the hearts and minds will follow.'). The strategy failed. They have been trying to do much the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan - winning over the locals - but haven't used the same phrase, as it seemed to be cursed. But it still seems not to be working.
Earlier usages than Vietnam quoted here. ssages/388.html
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Many thanks both of you for your help!
yes, the Bible is the origin of a lot of memorable phrases. I hadn't realised it had been used in a military-political context before Vietnam, though.

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the meaning of" "Hearts and Minds"

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