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Blanks and blanks

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flashpig | 00:57 Tue 03rd Aug 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
The phrases and sayings is now clear of blank tucking. Has the competition finished? what was the answer? Though I loathed all the questions I was curious what the answer was. Like one of those guess the voice things where you have someone saying 'hello' and you are desperate for the answer even though you don't know who it is. Or has everyone just started looking at the previously answered questions?


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The Eds did remove a few blanks questions, maybe they're just keeping that up.
Hasn't been solved yet. People beginning to cop on that the answerbank cannot provide the answer no matter how many times it is asked. The only clue so far is that the first blank does not begin with the letter A. Each day (if it is not solved) the radio station will give out a letter which the first blank does not start with. Looks like it could be running for a week or two yet.
I have heard the expression,Does he still , Tuck his shirt into his socks, in jocular reference to someone,s height
Well as of today 8/9/04 the pot was at 56,000'ish Euros... and a lady got the next blanks. "Get a word a third..get the the pot.." Anyways... The next word was.... "HOOTERS" So there you all go.. she is on the radio..fm104 to have a chance to guess the next/last word and win the whole 56,000. Hope that puts some minds at rest.. and on bahalf of most of dublin.. sorry for annoying the bollix out of you all :D Still you could have been the crowd on! be good madspoon

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