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word for half anniversary

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mirk148 | 03:39 Thu 05th Aug 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
8 Answers
what is the word for a half anniversary...six months is called what?


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The word 'anniversary' itself comes from the Latin word 'annus' meaning 'year', so why not just add the Latin word for 'half' which is 'semi'? Thus, you can create 'semi-anniversary'. If you'd like something more English-based, why not say: "We're celebrating our mid-year"? Personally, when trying to express the idea of six months, I'd just use "six months"!
The response above is mine, not Tefler's. She's my partner and a very naughty girl for not signing out after using AnswerBank yesterday evening!
i hope Teflers indiscretion doesn't mean you won't reach your next semi-anniversary/mid-year/six months :)
Time off for good behaviour?
You could also use the french 'demi' and have a 'demi-anniversary'
although surely that would then become they (infinitely more chic) demi-anniversaire?
anniversaire is a birthday though!
Maybe a demi-annee then?

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word for half anniversary

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