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Shatnerfan | 17:34 Wed 18th Aug 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
When should I use 'and I' and when is it correct to use 'and me'?


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The simple test is to remove the other person or thing from the sentence, and see what you would say then - eg "I went to the cinema", becomes "my friend and I went to the cinema" and "she sang a song to me" becomes "she sang a song to my friend and me". So when you would use "I" use "and I" and when you would use "me" use " and me".
If you remove the reference to the other person, it should still sound right. eg. "My Dad and I went fishing" becomes "I went fishing". "Give the money to Peter and me" becomes "Give the money to me". There's probably a more technical explanation but that's how I see it!
Too quick for me Kags!!!
"I" when it is nominative, and "me" when it is accusative.
I've always wondered that too- thanks Kags and country_boy! And thanks also to you bernardo, but first I need to know what nominative and accusative actually mean!
Nominative is the subject of the sentence (i.e. the person or thing which does the action) and accusative is the object, i.e. the person or thing which the action happens to. So, for example:

I ate poison
You ate poison
You and I ate poison

Poison killed me
Poison killed you
Poison killed you and me

Incorrect examples:
Me ate poison
Poison killed I
You and me ate poison
Poison killed you and I

More examples:
He ate poison
She ate poison
He and she ate poison

Poison killed him
Poison killed her
Poison killed him and her

Wrong examples:
Him and her ate poison
Poison killed he and she

Words like I, he, she, we, they are nominative and words like me, him, her, us, them are accusative. Words like you and it are the same in both.

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