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mibn2cweus | 19:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
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Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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21:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
Oh I have to get that. Haaaa! Don't cha just love George Bush. Freedom is part of his foreign policy - just like most imports come from abroad. Classic! Thanks Luna.

Now, hang on Starman, are you trying to tell me I got this illness from snogging a pig? Drat! I knew my bad habits would catch up with me sooner or later!

And....... how dare you not invite me to that fabulous dinner party? I mean, did I offer to ruin it all by cooking for you? No! Would I pass my germs on? No! Would I butt in and give the argument my all? Err .... well ..... but anyway that's no reason to leave me out. Huh! Some friend you turned out to be. Selfish I call it. That's right, keep all the most interesting people to yourself. I expect I'll get stuck with some real derr-brains - that's if I get invited at all. No, it's alright. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I'm no stranger to rejection......... Nag, nag, nag.

Just off to drown myself in yet another Lemsip. Whoopee! :o/
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Naomi, I thought it best to wait until the other invitations had been responded to before getting your hopes up. I expected there was no chance in hell of getting at least one of the guests nor did I expect the other would be enticed to come alone.

Nevertheless, you are hereby granted a standing invitation to crash any events I sponsor . . . or attend for that matter. And I fully expect a taste of your delicious dessert if I should ever fail to personally invite you. In fact I think you now owe me one :o)
Thank you - I enjoyed that. :o)

Starman, I just cannot get over your response in the Bliss thread. I've seen many well constructed responses from you in the past, but this time you have surpassed all expectation. Quite, quite, brilliant and a complete joy to read. I'm going to save it for posterity - or at least for future reference! Have a gold star!
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Thanks for the encouragement Naomi. I had hoped someone, if only you, might be able to make some sense of it.

I'm not sure if you had seen this yet but here's something
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Oh, and thanks for asking! :o)
Thank you. I hadn't seen it before. That was just fascinating. I'm going to watch it again on my big screen when I feel better. The picture on the laptop is fine, but the sound is not so good.
I meant to say, Starman, I think anyone who reads that particular piece will make perfect sense of it - unless of course they don't want to, which bearing in mind some of the company assembled there, is highly likely. I really wasn't trying to flatter you in my praise. I genuinely admire your ability to convey such profound thinking into the written word. In plain English, I'm now completely and utterly sockless!

Oh, and Kermit was so perfect for the subject in hand (sorry) that in my mind's eye, I automatically renamed him I really did! Haaaa! :o)
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If you liked fractals you might also like this
Thanks Starman. I'll take a look at that later.

Luna, I've ordered that DVD you recommended Have you seen it, Starman?.
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Did you watch that fractals video that Starman posted, Luna? I've made some coffee and I'm just going to watch the next link he posted. Cor, better than the cinema around here!
That was brilliant, Starman. Thank you. Watching something like that just confirms my conviction that thousands, if not millions, of years ago, others got there before us. It's quite mind blowing to even try to imagine where they might be now - or where we are going. I wonder if Arthur C Clarke is right, and man will reach the stars in a tiny capsule? What a pity we can't hang around long enough to experience the wonders to come. (Still, if I'm a ghost when I'm dead, no doubt I'll be able to pop in and out and have a look. Not quite the same though, I suppose). :o/

Incidentally, I don't know if you've been to Sri Lanka, but I have, and it's the most beautiful place. I can only compare it to what I imagine the Garden of Eden would have been like. It has to be just about the most lush, the most plentiful, place on the planet. It has everything man could ever wish for. The odd thing is, there is a mountain there called Adam's Peak, and legend has it that when Adam was cast out of heaven, this is where he was placed. I wonder just how much truth there is in legend? Quite a lot, I think.
Guys, you just have to look at the Money and Religion thread in R&S. One of my resident stalkers is trying so hard to be awkward, he's excelled himself this time. Well he might have. Haaaaaaaa!
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Watching something like that just confirms my conviction that thousands, if not millions, of years ago, others got there before us.

Opps, Here I am, supplying the enemy with ammunition. ;o)

But I remain skeptical. The significance of the possibility of extra-terrestrial visitation and influence on humanity is just to great for me to take the 'evidence' lightly. Nor does the credibility of those providing much of this 'evidence' along with the connotations and implications they attach to it make it any easier for me to jump on the bandwagon.

But then again I admit that I could be wrong. They could conceivably be up there, down below or right here under our very noses, covering their tracks and dropping enticing hints here and there, leaving skeptics scratching their heads in frustration, snickering at those taking jabs at those who have drawn the right conclusion.

Yet they would not be the only species known to engage in trickery to achieve a not so innocent hidden objective. There is certainly plenty of fertile ground for debate on both sides. I'm drawn to focus my attention on issues that have had a greater impact on my own life, where my personal first hand experiences have provided me with the advantage of an appreciation for the importance of winning.

Besides, the less suspicious people are the easier it is for us to blend in with the rest of society. ;o)
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I don't recall 'Religulous' being offered on any of the 18 screens in the conservative community in which I live. But I will certainly recommend we add it and move it to the top of our Netflix queue.

Now then, I think I'll mosey on over for a gander at what our religulous friends are up to now.
Yeaaaa ....... We're back! This site might be rubbish, but it's home.

Opps, Here I am, supplying the enemy with ammunition. ;o)

Starman, I hate to say this, but you are completely missing the point - and if you think I'm the enemy, then you couldn't be more mistaken. Just think. If we could offer irrefutable evidence that the gods were in fact people from other far more advanced planets, imagine the enormous benefits to mankind. Religion would be proven to be completely fictitious, and the world would be better for it. If we are ultimately to see the complete annihilation of religion, then we have to expose it for the lie it is, and the best way to do that is to prove the source of it. Can you imagine the impact that would have? Well, I expect certain people might top themselves - but hey ho - an occupational hazard! :o)

Unlike you, I don't focus my attention of the issues that have a greater impact on my own life. I am acutely aware that I am only a very minor player in a vast universe, and there are more important things than me to consider - like curing this world of the ever-encroaching cancer that continues to destroy it - religion.

As for blending in with the rest of society, you surely don't expect me to worry about that? You should know by now that's a desire I've long abandoned. :o)

Luna, I watched that film. It made my skin crawl - especially at the end. God(?), why can't people see sense? Thanks so much for recommending it.

Haaa! It wouldn't go down too well in the conservative area in which I live either, Starman. I'm tempted to give it a try though. Our nearest cinema is over 20 miles away, so maybe I'll organise a film night in the village hall in aid of the church. (Or maybe not!). :o)
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People topping themselves upon discovering there is no longer a hiding place for their beliefs is an interesting thought. I believe my father's response would have been to set out to save their souls. One thing's for sure, he was never prejudicial towards anyone who'd provide him an audience.

Erm, disregard that last remark Naomi. ;o)

But Naomi, what if they claimed to be God's messengers, just like you seem to suspect they did the last time they were here? You think we have problems now . . .
Ah, there you are. When no stars appeared, I thought I must really have blotted my copy book this time! I was halfway to the corner of the room with the dunce's cap on my head!

Of course it's an interesting thought - but you need to think about it to find it - if you know what I mean. :o)

Sorry, can't quite disregard that remark. Just got to say that there would be little point in setting out to save souls with nowhere for them to go, would there? :o)

No, Starman, I don't suspect they claimed to be God's messengers - no more than pilots, who upon crash landing in the jungle, and have been deemed by the natives to be Gods from the sky, have claimed to be God's messengers. (Practically all Gods came from the sky, you know). I think men just assumed the Gods were supernatural because they saw electric lights, computers, etc, and they heard voices through PA systems, and thought it was all magic. Well, you would, wouldn't you? I mean, imagine, there you are in 3000BC happily sitting on a rock eating your cheese sandwich, and watching your goats munching the scrub in the sunshine, when suddenly a great shiny monster, full of bright eyes, hurtles out of the sky and comes to a halt on the ground before you. As if by magic, a door slides open, and out step what appear to be men, but like no men you've ever seen before. Well, what are you to think?


Maybe the Gods didn't try to disillusion them - or maybe they weren't able to disillusion them. Just how would you explain computers and manned flight to a cave man? Added to that, I reckon they thoroughly enjoyed the attention - not to mention the fraternising with the 'daughters of men'. Whoohoo! Some business trip that turned out to be!

You're not going again, Sidney - and I don't care how much the boss wants you to! Nag, nag, nag!

Where's Luna? I'm sure he'd be interested in all this. Well, at least the fraternising with the 'daughters of men' bit. :o)
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Oh come now Naomi. What would someone from an advanced civilisation want with a cave woman. That doesn't make any sense by any stretch of the imaginatio . . .

. . . erm, never mind . . .

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