Hearing Dogs for Deaf People in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

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vicmarion | 12:48 Mon 19th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Help! Is it just me? I have the same answer for number 8 and 38 Better .... than ..... cant think of anything else. other than Better late than never, please give me a hint if there is another answer. Many thanks i was about to send it off.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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better dead than red???
There's a saying similar to:
"Better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
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Many thanks to both of you, question states 4 letters for first word and five for the second, Maybe the dots are wrong.
In that case "Better late than never" sounds ideal. Are the 2 questions the same?
I jsut put better late than never and better safe than sorry
no idea how you decide which goes where but that shouldnt be a problem
Question Author
Thank you very much smouse, seems to be just the ticket.
Did you get a reply from Pendleside about the 'catch phrase' quiz? Seeing your remarks I have not sent off for it - I prefer a challenge I could just send the donation I suppose.
No I didnt get a reply but have made a comment about it with my answers and given the website address so they can see its true in case they got someone to set it for them

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Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

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