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arabic translation

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stacybecks | 22:43 Fri 22nd Oct 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers
What does May-fah-hem-tiksh mean in english?


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Short answer: I havent understood you (man to woman)

Long answer. Ma is a negative like the French ne.....pas.

fahem is the root for understand. Arabic refers to verbs in the third person sing aorist. He understood.

I understood is fahemtu

You is tacked on the end (enclitic). The Arabic identifies gender, you (masculine) is ak,

you (leddeh) is -ik

fahemtik I understood you.

mafahemstiksh I havent understood you

Easy, isnt it? It probably makes you wanna yak in the latest al-jazeera video.

an alternative is mafahemtoosh kelamik

(I havent understood your speech)

Grammarians say, 'The Arabic verb expands in a way that is not intuitive to the European mind.'


Oh, its probably Egyptian dialect, which explains why I understood it so quickly. Better educated people may be able to give the classical Arabic. 'La' can only be used with certain tenses.

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