Aluminium or Aluminum? in The AnswerBank: Science
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Aluminium or Aluminum?

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kentishbear | 18:45 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | Science
5 Answers
is it true that Aluminium (English pronoucement) was originally Aluminum (US Pronouncement)

but was only changed to IUM at the end to fit in the periodic table like other elements eg Barium Radium, Caesium etc?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes. It was at first called alumium, by Sir Humphry Davy, when it was discovered, but then not isolated as a distinct element.

Below is from the OED entry

aluminium (_______________).
[a modification of aluminum, the name given by its discoverer, Sir H. Davy c 1812 (for which he had first of all used alumium), f. alumina. The termination -ium now preferred harmonizes best with other names of elements, as sodium, potassium, magnesium, lithium, selenium, etc. Both alumium and aluminum lived for some time.]
Yes, I'm afraid to say that this is correct. Having spent many years as a lecturer, professor and visiting professor over the pond in the USA, I've taken a lot of ribbing about how we Brits pronounce aluminium.

In my defence in recent years, I always point out that aluminium is the principal spelling now adopted by IUPAC, The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. As IUPAC is the recognised authority on chemical nomenclature and terminology, Aluminum is regarded as a mere variant of aluminium by UPAC.
That's right Prof, fly the flag.

So anyway, was the omission of the "I" in your last spelling of IUPAC a mistake or an intellectual joke? Considering the content of this thread.
ll_billym, no matter where you make a transverse section of my body, I've got "A Present From Britain" written right through my core!

As to the spelling, yes it was an intelluctual joke: I've had a couple of notable disputes with the learned but stubborn members of a certain IUPAC committee in the last few years and they eventually backed down. The wicked part of me can't resist reminding them about it now and again!

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