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nuts an may nursery rhyme

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dondor | 20:50 Fri 29th Oct 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers


     To what does "nuts an may" refer.



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"Here we go gathering nuts in May". Don't know where it comes from, nad nuts usually form on the trees in Autumn. With a bit of luck, Quizmonster or New Forester will come along, and I'd go with whatever they answer.
Generally speaking, nuts are not ready in the month of May. However, there is one theory that it should really be 'nuts and may', the 'may' referring to the hawthorn and another that the original was 'knots of may' nothing to do with the name of the month at all. A third suggests that it refers to pignuts - ie groundnuts/earthnuts -  which, although they are not strictly 'nuts', certainly are ready in May. Perhaps one of these theories suits you?

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nuts an may nursery rhyme

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