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Deer in headlights

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Lady Godiva | 21:00 Fri 05th Nov 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
What is the origin of the expression "like a deer in headlights"?


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 are you sure it's not like a rabbit in headlights ? anyway, if it's the same, then ' to become FROZEN SOLID,...... NOT  be able to move...... completely paralysed........ p.s...... dont go out riding tonight, if you do, put some clothes on ! 'tis cold out there !
No its deer in the headlights, they behave the same as rabbits, hunters in the US then blast away with a rifle and strap it to the bonnet of the car, kind of like lamping in the UK

Hunters in the US don't use lanterns or lights to frighten deers; the expression came about as our roads encroached more and more on the natural habitat of our wildlife.  It became more common for deer to jump out of the woods and onto the road, or try to attempt to cross the road/freeway which cut through the woods.  When they see the headlights of a car approaching, they often freeze in fear, and stand like a statue.  Sometimes the car can see the deer in time to swerve and miss it, or stop.  Sometimes it can't.  A few years ago, we were driving home on I-75 from a concert, and all of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, a huge buck leaped in front of our van.  The right front of our van clipped his hindquarters, and it felt like we hit a brick wall.  The entire front panel was smashed in; the deer disappeared back into the woods, and we called the state troopers to go and find him (make sure he wasn't suffering, etc).

sorry Ouisch and I wasn't intending to suggest that every american did it, but we lived in NJ for a time and our neighbours definitely did. Deer killed by traffic was a big problem there till they started recycling the carcases into petfood, the year we were there (about 10 years ago, admittedly,) our local area reported that it had recycled a quarter of a ton of dead deer.

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Deer in headlights

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