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Other Counties Proverbs or Sayings

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dance2trance | 13:59 Wed 20th May 2009 | Phrases & Sayings
27 Answers
We say 'Sitting on the fence'. Russians say 'Sitting under the table'. We say 'Big as a barn door'. Poles say "Big as a 3 door wardrobe'. Grateful to know if anyone has other examples. Thanks.


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Sorry, Dance2Trance. Got a bit confused there. How about this one:

In Israel we say "The Pope is a Jew-hating ex-Nazi"

In Vatican State they say "I vas only followink orders, mein Fuhrer!"

'His, or her, head's full of wee sweety mice.'
Meaning they were preoccupied with childish things. Another oldish Irish saying.
don't they say in Israel: 'How much more Palestinian land can we steal?'
I love this Finnish one: If you've got an umbrella up your @rse, don't open it.

...meaning if you're in trouble, be careful not to make it even worse when trying to fix it. What would the British say instead of that one, can't think of it right now but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve... erm... umbrellas.

No, why would we say that? We've already stolen it all........


Google 'Big Lies.pdf' and learn the truth.

Only the truth can set you free.......
Swedeheart: Nearest to the 'umbrella' saying is probably our " When you're in a hole, stop digging!" To be 'in a hole' means to be in trouble, in difficulties.
That's a perfect match fredpuli, thanks! I do recognise it but the ole brain didn't manage to retrieve it. I think it was trying, though, 'cos I dreamt about quicksand this morning just before waking up...!

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