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ae together

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joggerjayne | 17:37 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | Phrases & Sayings
12 Answers
Can anyone remember the name for a and e together ...

... as in "mediaeval" ?


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An "elide"?
a grapheme think.
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Thank you x
ae together is a digraph (when two graphemes are used together) and represents the diphthong ai
Yes, when I was at school we had to use an 'æ' on words like Encyclopædia.
Yes, but the particular name for this digraph is 'aesc' (Old English) or 'ash' (traditional).
Accident & Emergency?
Factor, these days you'll be lucky to see encyclopaedia let alone encyclopædia.
Such 'structures' are also known as ligatures.
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Thank you for all your replies (both serious and humorous).

J x
the pronunciation has changed over the years, so that people now pronounce it as e rather than ai; so there's not so much perceived need for it. Especially in America, it's more likely to be spelt without the a at all: pedophilia, encyclopedia. Same for œ, which used to be pronounced oi but is now e in foetus or just fetus. (Or short e in federal.)

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ae together

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