Are you suggesting, Society, that we should just spell words as they sound? That would be disastrous. For example, would you spell a type of sailing boat as 'yot' instead of 'yacht'?
Doing so would lose the whole history of the word which is from the Dutch word, jacht - bearing in mind that the 'j' was pronounced as 'y' - itself from the German word jagen meaning to hunt. Thus, the whole concept behind the word is of a fast vessel designed for pursuit. (In fact, in the north of Scotland, our modern version of it is still pronounced y + a + ch (as in Johann Sebastian BaCH + t, just as it originally was in Dutch.
All of that background would disappear with any introduction of 'yot'.
There are lots of similar instances, where words are as they are because of their origin, history and development. Long may that remain true in my view.