Film, Media & TV10 mins ago
'That's not what I meant': Contronyms
Q. Contro-what
A. Nyms, as in the suffix meaning 'name', found in other words such as synonym, antonym, eponym, anonymous, etc.
Q. So
A. A contronym is a word which is its own opposite. These are also known as autoantonyms (their own antonym, or opposite) and Janus-faced or Janus words.
Q. Janus
A. Janus, in Roman tradition, was a spirit of doorways and archways, and was depicted as having two faces, one facing forward and one back. Hence...
Q. How did these contrary words come about
A. Some are the result of parallel development from different roots, while others - far and away the most common - have split their meaning at a later date. The best example of the former is the verb 'to cleave', which means both 'to adhere' and 'to separate'. Pretty awkward. The modern word is actually from two different - albeit similar - Anglo-Saxon words, cleofan and cleofian respectively, but by changes in pronunciation, these words have evolved an identical current form.
Q. How about a few examples
A. You want a list OK, here are some:
below par: excellent (golf score); poor peformance
bolt: to secure; to dart away
buckle: fasten together; collapse
clip: fasten;�speed
critical: opposed; essential to
down hill: worsening; easy (task)
dust: remove material from; sprinkle material on
fast: firmly in one place; move rapidly
hold up: support; hinder
inscient: ignorant; having secret or inward knowledge
left: departed from; remaining
mate: sexual partner; friend (often) of the same sex
oversight: careful supervision; neglect
put out: generate; extinguish
qualified: competent; only limited (success)
quite: completely; to a partial extent
rock: a sure foundation; tilting movement
sanction: give approval to; censure
screen: display; hide from view
seeded: with seeds; without seeds
temper: moderate; strengthen
trim: added decoration; cut away
trip: to stumble; skip along happily
vapulate: to flog; to be flogged
wear: endure; wear down
weather: withstand; wear away
wind up: start (clock); finish
with: alongside; (fight) against
Confusing when you think about it, but, common words though many of these are, we are rarely caused any great difficulty by them in our day-to-day business. Which must say something...
See also the answerbank articles on acronyms and�eponyms
For more on Phrases & Sayings click here
By Simon Smith