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Welcome to The AnswerBank Quiz and Puzzle Roundup. Please use this thread to share quizzes and puzzles. 
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granny grump
Is anyone doing the Sunny Smiles picture quiz who would like to swap a few clues?`
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11d and 71a a churchyard (4,4) -o-s --r- 90a star of Dallas last Thursday More 4
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NOT A HOT ONE HERE 6 YOUNG MALES RIGHT TO BE HEARD 3 7 5 (3) mrs shorts shops 7 goes down a storm 7 after the first 5 3 this ones not gone 7 anns of spring 4 vista collectors 10 lots of pieces found...
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Spectrum 1d Uprising in place by school? Not half(6) P?T??? I want to put PUTSCH - can someone explain WHATEVER the answer is? 11a Piece of garlic or another flavouring (5) ??O?A - is something called...
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(10a) The sound of a mournful bell for miss Gwynne, we hear (5) ?n?l? (24a) The father of modern drama perhaps ? Ben is excited (5) i?s?n thanks for any help...
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sruck on last one 22a present everywhere P?R?A?I?E...
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Can anyone tell me what the Annual plant of genus the Euphrasia is please?
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stuck on last one in property law, a covenant by which the vendor of property vouches for the security of the title conveyed ?A?R?N?? thanks in advance...
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Composed of or relating to any joint association of Northern European states t?a?s ?a?t?c
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81a.not on either side(7)n-f-r-l hand over money(3,3) (69d.)p-y/---...
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78 where would you use a dangle thanks...
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2d, Revolting drunk making us tense (7) U?T???? 3d, Herb carried on misbehaving (9) C?R?????? 9d, Book collector securing right work for cultural expert (14) 14A, Lavishly entertained, given food with...
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20a) Acclaimed photographer born in Belfast (4,9) 19d) Irish Children's author thanks...
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6d Becoming decent S-E-L- (6) 7d Help out large number in this test (4) A-I- 14d Playgoer not unknown performing in arched structure (7) _E-G-L- (7) 26d Augustus prepared to produce some chainmail (6)...
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Two to get. 17d According to this animal the sailor is in favour (6) ?a?o?n, could it be baboon and 19d The Danes hold a number, so do we all (6) d?n?e?, I thought dances. I think my other answers are...
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11d long passionate speeches (9) - A- - - n - - - S 22a yearly allowance (7) A - - - - Y 31 a fry lightly (5) S - - - - 20a work for (4) E - - - 21 d defensdive castle wall (7) - - - - - - - thanks...
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13a creation of select groups (7) E - I - - - - 3d resource used in teaching (3) - - - 4d give authority to (7) E - - O - E - 28a corrupt (7) - E - A - C - thanks as always for any help...
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21A Person in bordering property a - u - t - r
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still stuck lol. 12d. fred astaire's speciality. ?A? DANCING 34d. individual shots from films. ?T?L?? 49a. leader, saviour. C???I?H cheers...

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