Body & Soul3 mins ago
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One to go.scottishreel like this requires doctor being made up. I've got swom. If it's right why. I guess the doctor is mo.
15a. Did Chrissie Hynde ask this singer to join her band? After all he could literally be a Traitor. (5 ,5) Peter A?d?e Thanks all.
Help please with 15a & 14d Did Chrissie Hynde ask this singer to join her band? After all, he literally could be a Pretender! (5,5) I think it could be Peter A-D-E many thanks in advance
7a. B?????????? Slug repellent, perhaps
20d. One being invested into the priesthood. (7) o???n??
Utterly confused. Little Bell round found in Sri Lanka. Six letters. I have -rota-. Also like Carthage according to old orator consequence coming in endless deferral. I have defended but why? Any... ...
An actor. 6&4. ELSAMYIAND
I get 21
Mixing of sheep with allotment hedges. it has to be INTEGRATION. Get the ration and allotment bit but where are the sheep and hedges?
1d ???S??????? Nuts outer shell 6d ???????L??T One may deal with a shock at work
79a, bay of bengal area, coast c?r??n?el, 212d, destabilise, ???a?a??e. Many thanks.
Well I didn't enjoy this puzzle! Some weird clues to say the least!
How did others find it?
Not to worry. steven
How did others find it?
Not to worry. steven
17a, commencing climb on hill in greek capital can be scary, c?i?l?ng, 56d, flowered and bloomed around ship, ????s?m?d. 59a, should not even see the sun, s??, many thanks,
24a from prison runs into trouble - who sees it all? (3,7) 11d Yogurt: "moo" or "oat" principally? Irritated parent's testy response (2,2,4,4)
Is here: https:/ /postim KCq2Lc ...
He delivered winter fuel in the past (by horse and ?)(6) answers are surnames
26a One's epic new saddle, ultimately -something for a horse(9)N?S?P?E??