27d. And went down with down with a wave of farewell (4) s? n? 12a. Isn't it a truck for the yanks that don't gave any truck for the same in English (5) ?o?r? Thanks all
well that was a resaonably clever puzzle I am stuck though on 2D Composer left a trfile (6) I have ?AL?A? And i cannot see what the clue is or how 42 fits in. I have the Moniker elsewhere For 42A i... ...
7d)Bases American coins on chief(12) ???d???r?e?? 5d) Great!He’s keen-be set to move(3,4,5) ??e?????n??? 21a)Got back on the boat and delivered again(9) r???i?p??
I usually do the Mail on Sunday crossword each week, and send it by post, but just wondering.....there is a dotted line around the crossword, entry form and all the questions, and I never know if... ...
Good afternoon everybody Stuck on last 4 this month. 18d __ anything once (3) ??? 20a power of the __ (5) ???s? 26a love __ Love (7) ?e???n? 23d __ my sunshine (5) ???a? Thanks for any... ...
16d. Able to see with the eye; something you hope will happen and then watching it happen (8) ??n????t15a. Most important or of the best quality (5) p????5d. Walk slowly and aimlessly... ...