Report to ichkeria, AndrewG-S, dr b, trux and S-matrix re 15 year olds and numericals (see previous posts under 4125 & 4126):
Stimulated by discussion here, I arranged for Oyler’s recent “Elementary Number Theory” to be given 12 x 15 year old individuals of mixed sex and above average numerical ability for 50 minutes. (hope I didn’t contravene copyright!?) They had calculators but no computers, and were allowed to work in groups or not, ad. lib. If they asked for a list of numbers,(eg primes, triangulars....) it was provided (had to do that; time constraints!) but no other assistance was given. Results: 16 clues solved, 14 correct. Which, incidentally, was more than I managed in said 50 minutes. A start was made in three different locations in the grid. I reckon they would have got most of it eventually. However, dr b, it has to be said that only 5 of the 12 confessed to having run a mile, most of them working it out in km prior to answering.
Conclusions? Well, they volunteered in the first place.....and secondly they said it was FUN. That was enough conclusion for me - Oyler, I hope you are listening!