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Bubble12 | 11:50 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | Crosswords
6 Answers
It is Thursday again! Just confused by the last two...
1. The evangelist-editor perishes, with the Spanish getting cheaper fuel. (6,6) M?R?E? D?E??? - think Marked diesel but no idea why...
2. Statue? I would love to have fifty (4) O?O? no idea with this one and nearly sure the O's are right.


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Mark = evangelist (in bible)
ed = short for editor
dies = perishes
el = Spanish for "the".
1 mark (evangelist) ed (editor) dies (perishes) el (the spanish)
marked diesel (dyed diesel)
2 idol
I'd = I would
o = love
l = fifty (Roman numeral)
2) idol? I'D O L
2 IDOL 1st o must be wrong
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Many thanks - see where I went wrong

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