Got the crossword done with relative ease. But the wordfinder _- after 3 consecutive no trouble with that eithers - is causing me trouble. I have AEO LMRSSSTY. Help, please.
Odd chap toasts the Wales and the King Charles III (England) ones? (5,5)possibly C?A?T?A?H? Coastline is quiet, with mineral rock. (5) posssibly S?O?? Thanks for looking.
Last two: 7d Forward half of non-drinkers: "Beer's topping!" (5) A?E?D. The beer should be ALE but can't see it. Non-drinkers would normally be TT but that's clearly not there. Across clue 12a gives... ...
Last Clue 10a Like a church feature - perhaps I dally within (7) O?O?S?S The only word that fits is OBOISTS - but I can't see how it fits the clue? Thanks in advance.
Good day, help with the following would be appreciated! Thanks! (Acrosses are normal. Answers to down clues must be modified before entry in a consistent manner suggested by 24. Entries are all... ...
1a wat to confirm and divide in to groups (8) s?????f? 27a noticed former US presidential candidate reportedly naive (8) ?e?y???? 5a Fruit held in two hands (6) 8d travel across water to scan crank... ...
help please 9a poe characters maybe people on horse straddling horse 6 10 a go round cambodia first,then apart of asia 9 11a schlemiel losing face in manoeuvre on ice 4 12 nothing received by trade... ...