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RTE guide no 24

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barbara30 | 18:20 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | Crosswords
4 Answers
18 across. It's evidently required before due process applies ?r?o?, o?, t??, ?r?m? (5,2.3,5) I know its staring me in face, help please!!
28 across did Ireland Inc losten to this too closely (4,2,4) ?i?e, ?d, ?i?e


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proof of the crime
The general consensus has been that it is either SIDE BY SIDE (even though it doesn't fit with the correct D from MINCE YOUR WORDS) or some obscure Irish/Gaelic expression possibly including the word EIRE
The answer I think will be Nice Advice (as in the Nice treaty). I think it should say 4,6 not 4,2,4 and the clue should say LISTEN not LOSTEN
Could it even be Dire Advice?

Im cheesed off with number of times this crossword fails to give correct letters numbers.....

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RTE guide no 24

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