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marrab | 19:02 Sat 13th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
7 Answers
compass direction (9),is it southeast or northeast


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Are these the only words in the clue?
What letters do you have?
As far as I know, if there are no more confirming letters available, the checkers should accept either as a valid answer...
Sorry factor, from earlier, the letters shown were -

Yes , if you have something like ?O?TH/EAST and the other letters can't be found from other clues then either answer should be accepted.

But is there another clue that will give another letter?
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sorry lie-in king- I was still typing when you sent your response clarifying the known letters.
Clearly it's a badly written questiom and either answer should be accepted
I had the same query regarding the compass direction i mean how silly to ask that when it could be any of them, they should by rights accept either. People should complain. In fact im calling the daily record monday morning, im not accepting this.

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d/r £500 42 across,

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