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Pandmfrost | 22:02 Thu 18th Aug 2011 | Crosswords
14 Answers
useful if you are on two wheels - 2 words 6, 4 - the letters BELL must be in the answer


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I would suspect a mistake...must be 7, 4
Ladyalex you and I think alike. But I think we always knew that!
^ or 5,4
Only 6,4 one I can think of is tandem bell
Hello again!

I'm off to the States at the end of the month to see the son-and -heir (and his nice girlfriend).
Cannot wait!
BicycLE cLips
Very clever, Owdhammer, but that is 7, 5 letters, not 6, 4
sorry clip
then it's 7, 4 and might as well be bicycle bell....
go on then
go on where ?
I will be thinking of you Ladyalex. Just spent a happy 24 hours with daughter plus 2. I hope you get everything you wish for. I never wanted to be this old but it has a lot of contentment. (even if Zoe kept us up through the night with 2 little teeth that were here today!)
on yer bike
Thanks, grasscarp....

I was just trying to help, owdhammer....
a little help is always welcome

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