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frameshift | 10:48 Sat 05th Nov 2011 | Crosswords
14 Answers
15a Prejudiced opponent of King John (4, 5) L - R - B - G - T
9 and 27 a Greek space traveller with controversial artis of the French
G - - - E M - N - E
22d Henry V's soldier rages (5) B - T - S
Thanks a lot.


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15a LORD BIGOT suddenly hit me.
22d Bates
Question Author
Thanks, Roselyn. Why Bates?
bate can mean to rage and Bates is a soldier in Shakespeare's Henry V
Question Author
Thanks, I saw the Bates , John Bates the soldier, but it's the first time I've ever heard it mean to rage.
Is 9, 27 all one word or a 2 worder?
Question Author
Sorry, two words, 5, 5. Pretty obscure I'd say.
Emin could be the artist , de for "of" in French making G???E MINDE??
9 and 27 across Grete Minde written by Theodor Fontane

gr =greek, et= space traveller emin =artist Tracey Emin de frwnch for of
Got it! GRETE MINDE Gr(greek) ET (space traveller) + as before for the rest
See theodor Fontane grete minde on google
Do you have 4d please?: O'Hara exhibited such a passion for life R?G?
sorry eac2337 - didn't refresh/ see your answer- just completing this myself!
Question Author
Roslyn, 4d is RAGE, O'Hara wrote something like the Rage of Life can't remeber exactly what.
Thanks frameshift - all done now & submitted with all correct.

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