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Daily Mail Thursdy

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Hussar | 15:04 Thu 09th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Nearly finished, but some help on these would be much appreciated:-

15 across Language no Celt ignored in Clyde port. (5 letters) G---K. I think it may be GREEK but cannot see why.

19 down Ring about old writer's purgative powder. (7 letters) C-L-M-L

16 down Not giving in cured Anne after surgery. (9 letters) _ _D-SAN-E

Thank you


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19d is calomel
Gree (no C) k is the port
16 d endurance
16 down Endurance

15 across is Greek

19 down Calomel
15 across Greek

19 down Calomel

16 down Endurance
all 3 were answered 4 days ago trilby

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