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dannyk13 | 13:17 Sun 18th Mar 2012 | Crosswords
3 Answers
25a Cops,rude,down on break-up. D?s?e?s?l. Obviously the answer is Dispersal but I cannot forthe life of me see how the clue fits other than dis for the cops.Anyone any ideas?


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Convoluted, but possible:
DI's - policemen of rank;
personal = rude;
extract "on" from personal, ie whole word missing (or down) "on".
18:24 Sun 18th Mar 2012
Convoluted, but possible:
DI's - policemen of rank;
personal = rude;
extract "on" from personal, ie whole word missing (or down) "on".
very obscure, but agree with BJ.
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I would never have worked that one out thanks guys

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