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Windy | 10:10 Thu 05th Apr 2012 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Stuck on the last few!
1. I'm embraced by the son when Mr Cowell appears (5) S?M?N - I think Simon but not sure why.
2. Condiment (6) ?O?C?R - I think that the letters are right (but then again I have been wrong before!)
3. She's in charge of an orderly group! (6) A?B???
4. Catches hot snakes (5) H???S
Please help!


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anag im+son = simon (cowell)
1, s(im)on
3. abess
4. (h)asps
2. pepper (if your letters are wrong)
simon - anagram of i`m and son
33. pepper - I have 27 down cress & 28. d rapid
and I`m still stuck on the other two

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