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Something you eat for breakfast , dinner or tea.

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bigmoma | 11:52 Sun 15th Apr 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
I am lookin for :
1. an in substantial thing
2. Computer falling to pieces


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How many letters in each??

2. could be "crashing"?
1 trifle ?
2 toast?
Sorry bigmoma, misread the title of your post - so crashing was a load of carp!
Question Author
1. think thats the rigt one thankyo.
2. 5 an7 letters. and its an evening meal.
I am also looking for
afternoon tea
3. ------- but Pa wouldnt 7 letters
4. rocky bits between slices 8 letters
5. weekend treat 3,5,6 letters
evening meal
6. results mixture 5,5 letters.

Question Author
thats ok maggiebee, i am new to this can you tell!!!

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Something you eat for breakfast , dinner or tea.

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