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Mayflower3 | 10:08 Thu 03rd May 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Stuck on a few;
11a.Winter hail-take me back to Sweden(5) H?E?S
19d. Son's missed out in new Honours List - it's the calculus!(7) I have
U?O?I?H but cannot make sense of it!
21d. Wine bar? Love going in there!(5) is it SOAVE

also not sure my 1a is right DENMARK STRAIT?


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19d Urolith
11a hiems
21d yes Soave ....O (love) in SAVE (bar) = SOAVE -wine
19d Urolith ( anagram of honours list with sons removed)
21d yes s o ave
What is the clue for 1a?
1a. Den marks trait
Question Author
Thank you all very much. So annoying when I get a clue like Denmark Strait correct but cannot see why!

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