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frameshift | 06:21 Sun 20th May 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Hard one this week. 19a Spenserian chatelaine associated with mother in old school. (4) A - M - Can only think of ALMA?
1a Damaged, like the Cotswolds manor house in quartet? (5) B - R - T BURNT, Why?
11a Joyce's youthful sitter (6) A - T - S - ARTIST?


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1a Burnt Norton - in T.S. Eliot's 'Four Quartets'
Question Author
Thanks, a bit obscure for me!
11a artist - as in 'Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man' by James Joyce
19a alma - 'alma mater' (old school) + 'Alma' in Spenser's 'The Faerie Queen'
Question Author
Thanks, as often happens I had the answers, but couldn't see the connection.

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